In Search of Simplicity
as inspired by Bill Coperthwaite
This site is the first iteration of what will be a comprehensive place to share the ideas, wisdom and encouragement of Bill Coperthwaite.
A group of those close to him are creating this website as a tool to continue Bill's - and now our - ideas and inspirations in hand tools,
simple living, and non-violent philosophy.
It's a place to move forward with his ideas; shaping, improving and collaborating to make our lives and the lives of others richer. Bill
was not interested in being held up by others, he realized we all stood on the shoulders of those who have come before, and we will in turn
be holding up the doers and thinkers of future generations.
A group of those close to him are creating this website as a tool to continue Bill's - and now our - ideas and inspirations in hand tools,
simple living, and non-violent philosophy.
It's a place to move forward with his ideas; shaping, improving and collaborating to make our lives and the lives of others richer. Bill
was not interested in being held up by others, he realized we all stood on the shoulders of those who have come before, and we will in turn
be holding up the doers and thinkers of future generations.